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Dramatic Changes Happening in Spain
Good article (link below) providing some insight into the many change happening and being considered in Spain right now. During my week...
Heat Kills...Wine
Excessive heat during the transportation or storage of wine will very likely damage your wine. What’s “excessive”? A study by...
No, Red Wine Should Not be Served at "Room Temperature"...Let Me Explain
Everyone that knows me knows that my pet peeve about wine is red wine that is served too warm. The idea of "room temperature" started...
7 Ways to Tell a Good Restaurant Wine List from a Bad One, According to Wine Experts
Source: 7 Ways to Tell a Good Restaurant Wine List from a Bad One, According to Wine Experts “Great wine lists, simply put, should make...
Wine Studies: What Is Cork Taint?
And does the average wine consumer notice or care? Source: Wine Studies: What Is Cork Taint? I found this article to be disappointing...
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